Reno Deck Builder
Are you in need of a deck in your backyard? Decks are a great way to increase the functionality of our backyard. When family or guest come over, a deck provides a comfortable spot to sit and enjoy the outside. One major reason people may have a deck installed is the increase in property value. It’s not uncommon for real estate to appraise for a higher market value after the addition of a deck. At Reno Landscaping Company, we strive to bring you the best quality at a price that’s affordable. We have a wide range of style and colors to make the deck perfectly unique to you!

Decking Materials
There are a wide range of materials to choose from for your deck installation. Typically, wood options are the most budget friendly. However, if you are looking for low maintenance and durability, a composite would be the best alternative. Here are the aspects below to consider:
- Maintenance
- Strength
- Durability
- Cost

We use high grade wood to build your deck. Usually, we recommend cedar which comes pressure treated from the factory. Cedar can last anywhere from 7-20 years if maintained. Staining your deck is a great way to prolong it’s life.

Composite decks are made out of wood fibers and plastic for high strength. These look great and perform very well in your backyard.

Vinyl decking is the most expensive option on the spectrum. This material is made out of polycarbonate which is very durable. Decks that are made out of vinyl can easily last decades as long as the sun does not damage.